
kamakaze kitty

I'm a 24 year old college student, and I have a year left of school before I graduate. Therefore, I try to save money where I can, so I still live at home. With that being said, my mother works for a vet, and I'm sure you can guess that we have a ton of animals. Here is the run down- we have two Great Danes, 5 indoor cats, and two goldfish; we also have a horse, and 35 chickens. Spring time is the time for new baby kittens- and this year we are fostering four of them. That makes 9 cats! We first received 3 kittens that happened to be from the same litter, and two of them have been adopted. That leaves one from their litter (whom this blog is about) and also another tiny little guy we are bottle feeding. I'm sure you can imagine that with so many animals we have animal hair in the house, so we have to vacuum a lot! Which leads me to my story...
The kitten we have left, from the litter of 3, has only had me run the vacuum one time while he has been upstairs. Today was his second experience with the big evil monster that probably could eat a tiny little guy like him. The last time he just hid under the sofa, so I didn't worry much and just turned it on and begin to do some work...
As I was vacuuming behind the sofa to my horror I saw the kitten fly up over a chair, onto the railing, and plummet all the way to the basement.

He landed on his feet, and just kind of laid there looking up. I was pretty worried! So I went down and picked him up- he didn't resist me or cry so I figured he might be okay, but wanted to watch him walk around. I put him down and I noticed he was limping some. So I called my mom and she thought I should bring him down. I got his carrier and put him in the car. He hates the car. He cried the whole way to the vet, luckily it doesn't take too long to get there. After he got all checked out the prognosis was good. :)
Poor little kitty, next time I vacuum I'm going to make sure he is in the basement before I turn it on!!! He really could have hurt himself.